Now I won't go into a whole scene of explanation for this title. Those of you who are deep thinking individuals who are living in reality with this world of things that are going on all around us will understand. Sometimes it's a couple of simple words that will help us move throughout life in a positive way without judging or hinting at another person's imperfections....After all we all came into this world the same way and leaving it behind just as well. The goal is to leave with an effect on someone so powerful that it will begin to change the outlook on life as a series of GROWTH which disciplines you to know the difference between arrogance and ignorance to our own way of life. Either way you will miss the point of it all if you don't begin to accept the bullshit you've done or the bullshit you've put up with. It is time to forgive yourself and others and move on bringing yourself to Motivation For A Better Cultivation. I'm going to break down the word CULTIVATION-culture; refinement
-The act or ART of cultivating. Now I will break down REFINEMENT- an improved, higher, or extreme form of something: the refinement of the old system. Watch this: ~>fineness or elegance of (I absolutely love that word elegance) feeling, taste, manners, language,etc. -Subtle point or distinction. Now I don't know about you but I strive to be all of these things sounds beautiful to me, what would I do without them? They have to have a meaning to progress on to the next level of the good life. I know it's hard to find in people like this. If we study to be more cultivated with a passionate meaning to change the judgmental stereotypes that have been placed upon our own people we can grow in a positive way teaching and learning the wise way humbly. On to my next word which is MOTIVATION-the state or condition of being motivated, inducement-attraction,lure. We need to give our people ENCOURAGEMENT~> praise, support, boost, lift, endorsement, this life isn't easy so why are we tearing one another down and allowing others to do so as well.... Did God really put us here for that? or are you really still trying to do his job? he said encourage one another. What is your DISPOSITION? (natural mental and emotional outlook or mood) Is it your INCLINATION (a tendency toward a certain condition, action) to doubt or put others down because you have issues you can't deal with? Do you use your own PROVOCATION (something that incites, instigates, angers, or irritates) to fill that void trying to consume others with your unhappiness or useless self worth. If that's you I ask that this PERSUASION (convinced, a form or system of belief) be that you love yourself enough to love your own people rich, poor,wild, calm, fun, boring,drunk, sober, dramatic, humorous,lively, outraged, bitter, skinny, fat, hurt, happy, mad, sad, crippled, spooky, silly, exciting, fierce,lazy,elegant,gloomy, harsh, black, white, Hispanic, Asian, Indian, any and all ethnicity that is, are you grown enough to handle Motivation For A Better Cultivation in today's society? I know I am God told me he never puts too much on my shoulders I can't handle from there I extend my hand to make due with what I am given and we are given one another everyday. I like elegant so God refine me everyday so that others may see your LOVE and your Light! I cannot DO or BE without the progression of learning, as your humble servant.
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