As I am more purpose driven day to day, uncovering truth in the reality of things what goes on covered but is blatantly there everyday? I realize that slavery is just a system of technology that goes on in cycles. Have you ever thought about the so called “professional” people who have government jobs dealing with your life situations everyday being wolves in sheep’s clothing? Maybe you think they are experts at what they do and their help and advice is what you need. Do these people have evaluations that set them in the right mind to take on your difficulties as well?
We do know that everyone is not perfect. What if I told you everyone had to play their position to keep the “living” cycle of slavery in high demand? This living environment is what they wanted it to be and not the way it should be. Who evaluated these people, in these positions to have such authority over someone else’s life matters? Is it because of what they think is best for YOUR life is the best way of living, rather than truth behind all the madness. As expected the life THEY live should be just as tested from these trials and tribulation? But it’s not because they hate the skin you live in, and all of the answers you were looking for started to reveal the truth in why they hate you and want nothing more than to keep you in bondage even by the “new technology” they’ve enlightened and programmed you with.
If I was prejudice I would just play my part at all cost to keep my job and not really care about the problem at hand. It’s the head over the tail that matters I demand that no one look into the issue deeper. So just keep the poison of erasing truth flowing, available to “those kinds” they will never know their power just as long as the power of “brainwashing distractions” are available from what’s
“REAL”. Pure heart God given rights don’t matter. This should be too easy for us to do and get rich our “
Little Monkeys”.
ß Experiments
ME: Meanwhile I turn off the T.V., open the book and tune out the distractions! Sulking into downfalls won’t help, but getting the knowledge to do better as a people will? Knowledge of “SELF” is something they never gave me in school; everything that was taught to me was based on lies and a cover up to keep the myth ongoing. They’ve mastered new ways to keep it under control but everything inside of my being says there’s a reason why it’s been stolen, destroyed, divided, killed, and used for their wickedness.
And so I turn off the T.V. open the Good Book, tune out the distractions, look and listen to the pure voice of the Almighty God in understanding this world and its ways. WE must conquer it with the knowledge of knowing “Who I Am”! It’s trying to destroy just that, so why do “they” feel the need to destroy a certain type of people? Hmm, I’ve just started and there’s no turning back when the eyes are open, hearts aware it’s a war going on outside you may feel at times you’re the only one there! But, I fight for a certain type of right; “THEY” should know that “MY” blood is in their veins. In discovering it all God brings all darkness to light. I hope that they know, even in my children's blood it’s an early dawn to what’s really bright.
I decided to do research on how many people are really found to be racist upon doing a government job, we all know we can’t trust the government so let’s see who and why these cases go unnoticed. I asked a question "How many government employees have been found guilty of racism in the US alone"?
Nothing! is what "GOOGLE" could tell me, as if I didn't see it with my own eyes everyday...Guess "Google" couldn't answer that question for me. I only found that for many years we built the cities up on slavery, and as a people tore ourselves down with forgetting the importance of understanding. Gaining the courage to keep and know, knowledge of "SELF". We can read with our eyes on how they say slavery was abolished in 1863 and how Lincoln wrote the words of Emancipation Proclamation into ending the beatings, and physical abuse of it all! When did someone challenge the mental lashing that had been boldly plotted out to make us forget our whole entire history?
Make no mistake this subject is just the beginning of all discoveries, this my friends and foes is Part 1 of overcoming the mentality of what you "claim to be" and what you>> CAME to BE!
If you could hide modern day racism, what tools would you use to be such an evil genius to gain success? DESTROY, DIVIDE, AND CONQUER!