Fact is there were some of us gone too soon! Did we allow these things to happen? Well, this blog post is strictly for my Afrikan brothers and sisters who may have voices with a pinch of action behind it. These days we are well aware of what's going on and forget that it's not just a swift breeze of hateful acts amongst us. We've been going through this for centuries and it's always blatantly in our face I don't need a degree to tell you my philosophy, in fact it's only a piece of paper that indicates I've wasted a lot of time verifying that this info is free and I can learn these things on my own rather than have someone unknown to my true nature validate me in it. That same piece of paper can be bent, torn, folded in half, or burnt it doesn't determine my actions upon another human in this world. It also does not determine an individual's spirit in knowledge and conscious behavior from my environment, surrounding me with proof of what is written, the sacrifices my ancestors or I have made to see a just and peaceful world without the boundaries of what color I am, how much money or things I think I may own. Who own's your soul and did the Grim Reaper already steal that away too? The day you were born your mother and father decided they were going to sign a "birth certificate" to give up ownership over you to someone they personally didn't know right at the hospital they signed you up... But you just had to be "certified"... Did you even know your number was up then? I wanted to find out if you were your brother's keeper or was someone else keeping your brother from fulfilling a purpose? If we came from the Universe in all it's glory and darkness was the color it all started with why is this cloth changing deity who is the Angel of Death covered in a lynching manner always with a hidden robe on, or suit, uniform whatever you wanna call it, there's layers to hide behind a title of destruction while boldly holding onto your "scythe" ready for an vengeful reaping act upon Egypt's (Afrika's) firstborn till this very day!!!
Now I'm going to tell you about Anpu- also known as Anubis this name derived from the Greek terms. The guardian and protector of the dead whom also by Egyptian proof and artifacts was a "royal child" who laid to rest souls with the assistance of sweet smelling herbs and plants that would help the pure spirits move into paradise. I'm giving you the description of the death deities because when our people are being killed in vain we aren't even being honored in death in accordance to peace and balance our ancestors assisted us with. Keep in mind protection WAS in place now it is all the way out of the picture because they feel it's a crime to protect our own. We are living in a brutal, cold, hateful, and jealous era where our bloodline is at risk of murder, outbreak, experiments, extreme mind altering programming, and brainwashing. We've forgotten our power and we allow the caped skeletal who hides behind a skull and bones image trying to create severe damage to sever all ties to our true nature. Be more than a number for resources, become the UNIVERSAL act of Anubis protecting the tomb while putting fear in those who think they can disturb the rebirth of an undying untouchable and consuming kingdom of TRUE GOD'S AND GODDESSES!
Now we not even being laid to rest like Kings and Queens... Slain dogs get more respect it seems!